
Publications from our lab

* not internationally peer-reviewed, members of the lab in bold


Winkler L et al. Pre-copulatory sexual selection predicts sexual size dimorphism: a meta-analysis of comparative studies, submitted.

151) Martens B, Martin OY, Janicke T, Winkler L. No fitness effects of same-sex copulations in male red flour beetles. Ecology & Evolution 14:e11027

150) Otti O, Rossel N, Reinhardt K.  Semen adaptation to microbes in an insect. Evolution Letters. Accepted. Chronologically, tudaz publications #150

149) *Reinhardt K. Drei Schildlausarten neu für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Hemiptera, Coccina). Virgo, im Druck

148) *Reinhardt K, Angermann M, Nentwich L, Schneider V-S. Die Schildlaus Carulaspis juniperi (Bouché, 1851) auf Lebensbäumen in Dresden (Hemiptera: Coccina: Diaspididae). Mitteilungen Sächsischer Entomologen, 43: pdf.
Publication resulting from the BSc student course Insects.

*Reinhardt K. Erste Hinweise auf Lebensdauer und Ortstreue der Falten-Erzwespe, Leucospis dorsigera Fabricius, 1775 in Dresden (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Leucospidae). Sächsische Entomologische Zeitschrift, eingereicht

147) *Reinhardt K. Die Preiselbeermottenschildlaus (Zahradník 1962) – eine für Thüringen neue Insektenart (Aleyrodina), Mitteilungen des Thüringer Entomologenverbandes, im Druck.

146) *Schmidt C, Sobczyk T, Reinhardt K. Freilebende Schildläuse in Sachsen (Hemiptera, Coccina) – Ergänzungen. Entomologische Nachrichte und Berichte, im Druck.

145) Seidenath D…, Otti O., Feldhaar H. 2024. Do diesel exhaust particles in pollen affect colony founding in the bumble bee Bombus terrestris? Insectes Sociaux. Link

Sobczyk T, Otti, O, Reinhardt K, Schmidt, C. Erstnachweise der Australischen Wollschildlaus Icerya purchasi (Maskell, 1878) und der Seychellen-Schildlaus Icerya seychellarum (Westwood, 1855) in Sachsen und Bayern (Insecta: Coccina: Monophlebidae). eingereicht.

144) Stankowski S, Zagrodzka ZB, Garlovsky MD … Butlin RK. 2024. The genetic basis of a recent transition to live-bearing in marine snails. Science 383: 114-119.

143) Stankowski S… Garlovsky MD… 2024. Toward the integration of speciation research. Evolutionary Journal of the Linnean Society 3: 1-24. Link

Wetzker C, Froschauer C, Massino C, Reinhardt K. Drosophila melanogaster sperm turn more oxidative in the female. submitted.


142) *Asshoff R, Reinhardt K, Konnemann C 2023. Bettwanzen: evolutionsbiologisch besondere Tiere. Unterricht Biologie 481: 38-40.

141) Bartonička T, Křemenová J, Balvín O, Simek Z, Otti O. 2023. Age-related mating rates among ecologically distinct lineages of bedbugs, Cimex lectularius. Frontiers in Zoology 20:25. Link.

140) Dobson AJ, Voigt S, Kumpitsch L, Langer L, Voigt E, Dowling DK, Reinhardt K 2023. Mitonuclear interactions shape both direct and parental effects of diet on fitness and involve a SNP in mitoribosomal 16s rRNA. PLoS Biology 21(8): e300221

139) Fromonteil S, Marie-Orleach L, Winkler L, Janicke T 2023. Sexual selection in females and the evolution of polyandry. PLoS Biology 21(1): e3001916. Link

138) Garlovsky MG, ….. Cold Spring Harbour Perspectives, in press.

137) Garlovsky MG, Ahmed-Braimah YH. 2023. Evolutionary quantitative proteomics of reproductive protein divergence in Drosophila. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 22: 100610. Link

136) *Kempke L, Reinhardt K. 2023. Ein zweimaliges Überwintern der Mauerbiene Osmia cornuta. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 67: 118. Erratum: 67: 202.

135) *Konnemann C, Reinhardt K, Asshoff R. 2023. Safer Sex durch Geschlechterkonflikt? Unterricht Biologie 485: 38-40.

134) *Reinhardt K. 2023. Beobachtung der Brackwespe Iphiaulax impostor (SCOPOLI, 1763) in Dresden. Mitteilungen Sächsischer Entomologen 43 (2023-22): 3 Seiten. Link

133) *Reinhardt K. 2023. Verzehr toter Artgenossen bei der Italienischen Schönschrecke Calliptamus italicus (L. 1758), Articulata 38: 139-144. Link

132) *Reinhardt K. 2023. Further observations of the dragonfly-biting midge Forcipomyia paludis (Macfie, 1936) in Brandenburg /NE Germany (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae). Märkische Entomologische Nachrichten 25: 163-166. Link

131) *Reinhardt K, Krühne C, Schmidt C. 2023. Wiederfund der Eichenschildlaus Kermes quercus in Dresden nach über 200 Jahren. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 67: 125-129.

130) *Reinhardt K, Sobczyk T. Neue Funde der Riesenschmierlaus Puto superbus Leonardi, 1907 im Osten Deutschlands: Weltgrößtes Vorkommen in Hoyerswerda (Sachsen) und Erstnachweis in Brandenburg (Insecta, Coccina). Veröffentlichung des Museums der Westlausitz Kamenz, im Druck

129) *Reinhardt K, Schmidt C. 2023. Einige Schildläuse (Coccina) aus dem südlichen Brandenburg. Märkische Entomologische Nachrichten 25: 167-173. pdf.

128) Roth S, Calva O, Kennedy J, Reinhardt K. 2023. Primicimex cavernis Barber 1941 (Heteroptera: Cimicidae): A rare parasite on a very abundant host. Insect Conservation and Diversity 2023, 1–5.

127) Roth S, Siva-Jothy MT, Balvín O, Morrow EH, Willassen E, Reinhardt K. The evolution of female-biased genital diversity in bedbugs (Cimicidae). Evolution, in press. Link

126) Sasínková M, Balvín O, Vandrovcová J, Massino C, Weig AR, Reinhardt K, Otti O, Bartonička T. 2023. Despite genetic isolation in sympatry, post-copulatory reproductive barriers have not evolved between bat- and human-associated common bedbugs (Cimex lectularius L.). Frontiers in Zoology 20:36. Link

125) Sasínková M, Křemenová J, Chajma P, Bartonička T, Massino C, Otti O, Balvín O. 2023. Changes in body size and fertility due to artificial and natural feeding of laboratory common bed bugs (Heteroptera: Cimicidae). Journal of Medical Entomology, tjad083. Link.

124) Seidenath D, Weig AR, Mittereder A, Hillenbrand T, Brüggemann D, Opel T, Langhof N, Riedl M, Feldhaar H, Otti O.  2023. Diesel exhaust particles alter gut microbiome and gene expression in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10180.

123) Voigt S, Froschauer C. 2023. Genome-wide temperature-sensitivity of Polycomb group regulation and reduction thereof in temperate Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics, 224: iyad075. Link (paywall). Link2 (no paywall).

122) von Bredow YM, Procházková P, Dvorak J, Skanta F, Trenczek TE, Bilej M, von Bredow C-R. 2023. Differential expression of immunity-related genes in larval Manduca sexta tissues in response to gut and systemic infection. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection  Microbiology, Section Microbes and Innate Immunity 13; Link

121) Winkler L, Eilhardt R, Janicke T. 2023. Population density affects sexual selection in an insect model. Functional Ecology. Link.


120) Asshoff R, Heuckmann B, Ryl M, Reinhardt K. 2022. “Bed bugs live in dirty places” — How using live animals in teaching contribute to reducing stigma, disgust, psychological stigma and misinformation in students”. CBE-Life Sciences Education 21 Link

119) Garlovsky MD, Sandler JA, Karr TL 2022. Functional diversity and evolution of the Drosophila sperm proteome. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 21:100281. Link

118) Garlovsky MD, Holman L, Brooks A, Novicic ZK, Snook RR. 2022. Experimental sexual selection affects the evolution of physiological and life-history traits. Journal of evolutionary Biology 35: 742-751. Link

117) *Löffler P, Reinhardt K. 2021. Die Spinnenassel Scutigera coleoptrata (Linnaeus, 1758) in Sachsen. Schubartiana 10: 1-3. Link

116) Moiron M, Winkler L, Martin OY, Janicke T. 2022. Sexual selection moderates heat stress response in males and females. Functional Ecology. Link, see also comment in Nature Climate Change.

115) Trautenberg LC, Brankatschk M, Shevchenko A, Wigby S, Reinhardt K 2022. Ecological Lipidology. elife 11:e79288. Link

114) Turnell BR, Reinhardt K. 2022. Sperm metabolic rate predicts female mating frequency across Drosophila species. Evolution 76: 573-584.

113) Winkler L, Janicke T 2022. Diet quality impairs male and female reproductive performance and affects the opportunity for selection in an insect model. Ecology & Evolution 12:e9533. Link

112) Winkler L, Lindholm AK. 2022. A meiotic driver alters sperm form and function in house mice: a possible example of spite. Chromosome Research. Link

111) Windfelder AG, Müller FHH, Mc Larney B, Hentschel M, Böhringer AC,  von Bredow C-R, Leinberger FH, Kampschulte M, Maier L, von Bredow YM, Flocke V, Merzendorfer H, Krombach GA, Vilcinskas A, Grimm J, Trenczek TE, Flögel U. 2022. High-throughput screening of caterpillars as a platform to study host–microbe interactions and enteric immunity. Nature Communications 13:7216 Link


110) *Anselmi ACM, Gallon SCE, Müller P, Reinhardt K. Populationsgröße, Trichterdichte und Habitatpräferenz der Dünen-Ameisenjungfer Myrmeleon bore (Tjeder, 1941) im Gebiet der Dresdner Heide (Neuroptera). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 65: 175 – 181. – Publication resulting from the BSc student course Insects. pdf here

109) von Bredow YM, Müller A, Popp PF, Iliasov D, von Bredow C-R. 2021. Characterisation and mode of action analysis of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larva derived haemocytes. Insect Science Link

108) Dobler R, Charette M, Kaplan K, Turnell BR, Reinhardt K. Divergent natural selection alters male sperm competition success in Drosophila melanogaster. Ecology & Evolution 12:e8567. Link

107) Ebrahimi N, Bi C, Cappelleri DJ, Ciuti G, Conn AT, Faivre D, Habibi N, Hosovsky A, Iacovacci V, Khalil ISM, Magdanz V, Misra S, Pawashe C, Rashidifar R, Soto-Rodriguez PED, Fekete Z, Jafari A. 2021. Magnetic actuation methods in bio/soft robotics. Advanced Functional Materials 31: 2005137

106) Harper JA, Janicke T, Morrow EH (2021). Systematic review reveals multiple sexually antagonistic polymorphisms affecting human disease and complex traits. Evolution 75: 3087-3097.

105) Janicke T, Chapuis E, Meconcelli S, Bonel N, Delahaie B, David P (2021). Environmental effects on the genetic architecture of fitness components in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 124- 137.

104) Janicke T, Fromonteil S. 2021. Sexual selection and sexual size dimorphism in animals. Biology Letters 17:20210251.

103) *Köhler G, Reinhardt K, Schmidt C. 2021. Freilebende Schildläuse (Insecta: Coccina) in Sachsen – eine Übersicht. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 65: 285-309. pdf

102) Kost L, Voigt S. 2021. Differences in temperature-sensitive expression of PcG-regulated genes among natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 11: jkab237. Chronologically, the 100th paper by our lab.

101) Křemenová J, Bartonička T, Balvin O, Massino C, Reinhardt K, Sasínková M, Weig A, Otti O. 2021. Male diet affects sperm competition in human- and bat-associated lineages of the common bedbug, Cimex lectularius. Scientific Reports 11:15538 Link

100) Magdanz V, Vivaldi J, Mohanty S, Klingner A, Vendittelli M, Simmchen J, Misra S, Khalil ISM. 2021. Impact of Segmented Magnetization on the Flagellar Propulsion of Sperm-Templated Microrobots. Advanced Science 8: 2004037

99) Massino C, Wetzker C, Balvin O, Bartonicka, Kremenova J, Sasinkova, M, Otti O, Reinhardt K. 2021. Seminal fluid, and sperm diluent, affect sperm metabolism in an insect: evidence from NAD(P)H and FAD autofluorescence lifetime imaging. Microscopy Research and Technique 85: 398-411. Link.

98) Prince E, Kretzschmar J, Trautenberg LC, Broschk S, Brankatschk M. 2021. DIlp7-Producing Neurons Regulate Insulin-Producing Cells in Drosophila. Frontiers in Physiology 12: 630390

97) *Reinhardt K. 2021. Nachweise von drei bemerkenswerten Schildlausarten (Insecta: Coccina) um Dresden. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 65: 9-12. pdf

96) Tonnabel J, David P, Janicke T, Lehner A, Mollet J-C, Pannell JR, Dufay M 2021. The scope for postmating sexual selection in plants. Trends Ecol Evol online

95) Turnell BR, Kumpitsch L, Ribou A-C, Reinhardt K. 2021. Somatic production of reactive oxygen species does not predict its production in sperm cells across Drosophila melanogaster lines. BMC Research Notes 14:131 Link.

94) Turnell BR, Kumpitsch L, Reinhardt K. 2021. Production and scavenging of reactive oxygen species both affect reproductive success in male and female Drosophila melanogaster. Biogerontology 22:379–396

93) Wainwright SM, Hopkins BR, Mendes C, Sekar A, Kroeger B, Hellberg JEEU, Fan S-J, Pavey A, Marie P, Leiblich A, Sepil I, Charles PD, Thezenas ML, Fischer R, Kessler BM, Gandy C, Corrigan L, Patel R, Wigby S, Morris J, Goberdhan DCI, Wilson C. 2021. Drosophila Sex Peptide controls the assembly of lipid microcarriers in seminal fluid. PNAS 118: e2019622118.

92) Winkler L, Moiron M, Morrow EH, Janicke T. 2021. Stronger net selection on males across animals. elife 10:e68316. Link


91) Asshoff R, Hallerbach P, Reinhardt K. 2020. Teaching changes interest and attitudes of students towards bedbugs. International Journal of Science Education 42: 1818-1833. Link

90) Bellinvia S, Johnston PR, Reinhardt K, Otti O. 2020. Bacterial communities of the reproductive organs of virgin and mated common bedbugs, Cimex lectularius. Ecological Entomology 45: 142-154 Link

89) *Gerlach T, Theobald J, Langer L, Anthes N, Reinhardt K. 2020. Die Tagfalterfauna auf dem ehemaligen Standortübungsplatz Mellrichstadt. Beiträge zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik 20: 1-9. [result of our zoology field trips]. Link

88) Guo R, Henke A-L, Reinhardt K. 2020. Sperm viability varies with buffer and genotype in Drosophila melanogaster. Fly. link

87) Guo R, Reinhardt K. 2020. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids affect volume and metabolism of Drosophila melanogaster sperm. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33: 544-550. pdf.

86) Hölzel BN, Pfannkuche K, Allner B, Allner HT, Hescheler J, Derichsweiler D, Hollert H, Schiwy A, Brendt J, Schaffeld M, Froschauer A, Stahlschmidt-Allner P. 2020. Following the adverse outcome pathway from micronucleus to cancer using H2B-eGFP transgenic healthy stem cells. Archives of Toxicology. Link

85) Hopkins BR, Sepil I, Wigby S. 2020. Structural variation in Drosophila melanogaster spermathecal ducts and its association with sperm competition dynamics. Royal Society Open Science 7:200130. Link

84) Khalil ISM, Magdanz V, Simmchen J, Klingner A, Misra S. 2020. Resemblance between motile and magnetically actuated sperm cells. Applied Physics Letters 116:063702. Link

83) Křemenová J, Bartonička T., Balvín O, Otti O, Pavonič M., Reinhardt K, Šimek Z. 2020. Identification and age-dependence of pteridines in bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) and bat bugs (C. pipistrelli) using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Scientific Reports 10:10146. link

82) Langer L, Froschauer C, Reinhardt K. 2020. Sex differences in bedbug nymphs, Cimex lectularius. Journal of Applied Entomology 144: 838–843. Link

81) Lerch S, Zuber R, Gehring N, Wang, Y., Eckel, B., Klass, K.-D., Lehmann, F.-O. , Moussian, B. 2020. Resilin matrix distribution, variability and function in DrosophilaBMC Biology 18:195.

80) Magdanz V, Khalil ISM, Simmchen J, Furtado GP,  Mohanty S, Gebauer J, Xu H, Klingner A, Aziz A, Medina-Sánchez M, Schmidt OG, Misra S. 2020. IRONSperm: Sperm-templated soft magnetic microrobots. Science Advances 6: eaba5855. link

79) Mołoń M, Dampc J, Kula-Maximenko M, Zebrowski J, Mołoń A, Dobler R, Durak R, Skoczowski A. 2020. Effects of temperature on lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster from different genetic backgrounds: links between metabolic rate and longevity. Insects 11:470

78) *Reinhardt K. 2020. Herrn (Prof.) Dr. habil. rer. nat. Günter Köhler zum 70. Geburtstag. Articulata 35:1-8. pdf.

77) *Reinhardt K. 2020. Rotmilan und Schwarzmilan als Luftjäger von Tettigonia viridissima. Articulata 35: 161-163. pdf.

76) *Reinhardt K. 2020. Blütenbesuch bei Tettigonia viridissima. Articulata 35: 9-17. pdf.

75) *Reinhardt K. 2020. Libellenbeobachtungen im Strandsha-Gebirge (Bulgarien) (Odonata). Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 64: 49-56. pdf

74) *Reinhardt K. 2020. Parasiten in Zuchten von Heteropteren, speziell Bettwanzen (Cimicidae). Heteropteron 60: 21-24. pdf.

73) *Reinhardt K, Gloyna K, Hofrichter M. 2020. Nachweise und Ökologie des Asiatischen Gleditschien-Samenkäfers Megabruchidius dorsalis (FÅHREUS) 1839 in Sachsen. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 64: 149-158. pdf

72) Ridzewski C, Li M, Dong B, Magdanz V 2020. Gelatin microcartridges for onboard activation and antioxidant protection of sperm. ACS Applied Bio Materials 3: 1616-1627. Link

71) Sepil I, Hopkins BR, Dean R, Bath E, Friedman S, Swanson B, Ostridge HJ, Harper L, Buehner NA, Wolfner MF, Konietzny R, Thézénas, M-L, Sandham E, Charles PD, Fischer R, Steinhauer J, Kessler BM, Wigby S. 2020. Male reproductive aging arises via multifaceted mating-dependent sperm and seminal proteome declines, but is postponable in Drosophila. PNAS Link

70) Striggow F, Medina-Sanchez M, Auernhammer GK, Magdanz V, Friedrich B, Schmidt O.G. 2020. Sperm-driven micromotors moving in oviduct fluid and viscoelastic media. Small e:2000213 link

69) Thönnes M, Vogt M, Steinborn K, Hausken KN, Levavi-Sivan B, Froschauer A,  Pfennig F. 2020. An ex vivo approach to study hormonal control of spermatogenesis in the teleost Oreochromis niloticus. Frontiers in Endocrinology  11:443 link.

68) Turnell BR, Reinhardt K. 2020. Metabolic rate and oxygen radical levels increase but radical generation rate decreases with male age in Drosophila melanogaster sperm. Journal of Gerontology A 75: 2278–2285 link. or pdf file here. Note: A statistics reviewer of this paper suggested alternative approaches. For reasons of space they were not addressed in the paper. However, they do not alter our results at all. Link to the suggested alternative approaches here.

67) Vaught RC, Voigt S, Dobler R, Clancy DJ, Reinhardt K, Dowling DK. 2020. Interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes confer sex‐specific effects on lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of evolutionary biology 33: 694-713. Link

66) Wang Y, Norum M, Oehl K, Yang Y, Zuber R, Yang J, Farine J-P, Gehring N, Flötenmeyer M, Ferveur J-F, Moussian B. 2020. Dysfunction of Oskyddad causes Harlequin-type ichthyosis-like defects in Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS Genetics 16: e1008363.

65) Wigby S, Brown NC, Allen SE, Misra S, Sitnik JL, Sepil I, Clark AG, Wolfner MF. 2020. The Drosophila seminal proteome and its role in postcopulatory sexual selection. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375: 20200072. Link

64) Zhang XB, Dong W, Li KX, Wang JJ, Shen J, Moussian B, Zhang JZ. 2020. Flexible manipulation of Omb levels in the endogenous expression region of Drosophila wing by combinational overexpression and suppression strategy. Insect Science 27: 14-21.

63) Zuber R, Wang YW, Gehring N, Bartoszewski S, Moussian B. 2020. Tweedle proteins form extracellular two-dimensional structures defining body and cell shape in Drosophila melanogaster. Open Biology 10: 200214


62) Carlitz EHD, Runge J-N, König B, Winkler L, Kirschbaum C, Gao W, Lindholm AK. 2019. Steroid hormones in hair reveal sexual maturity and competition in wild house mice (Mus musculus domesticus). Scientific Reports 9:16925

61) Dobler R, Dowling DK, Morrow EH & Reinhardt K. 2019. Reply: Mitochondrial replacement and its effects on human health: accounting for non- independence of data in meta-analyses. Human Reproduction Update (NB: this is a response to a non-peer-reviewed piece by an author with severe conflicts of interests).

60) Dobson AJ, Boulton-McDonald R, Houchou L, Svermova T, Red Z, Subrini J, Vazquez-Prada M, Hoti M, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Ibrahim R, Gregoriou A, Gkantiragas A, Bahler J, Ezcurra M, Alic N. 2019. Longevity is determined by ETS transcription factors in multiple tissues and diverse species. PLoS Genetics 15:e1008212. Link

59) Dong W, Dobler R, Dowling DK, Moussian B. 2019. The cuticle inward barrier in Drosophila melanogaster is shaped by mitochondrial and nuclear genotypes and a sex-specific effect of diet. Peer J 7:e7802

58) Gao Q, Turnell BR, Hua B, Shaw KL. 2019. The effect of nuptial gift number on fertilization success in a Hawaiian swordtail cricket. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 73:92

57) Janicke T, Marie-Orleach L, Aubier TG, Perrier C, Morrow, EH. 2019. Assortative mating in animals and its role for speciation. The American Naturalist 194: 865-875. Link

56) *Kästner T, Reinhardt K 2019. Neue Funde des Weinhähnchens Oecanthus pellucens (Scopoli, 1763) im Elbtal um Dresden (Insecta: Ensifera). Sächsische Entomologische Zeitschrift 10: 11-14. Link

55) Khalil ISM, Klingner A, Magdanz V, Striggow F, Medina-Sanchez M, Schmidt OG, Misra S. 2019. Modeling of spermbots in a viscous colloidal suspension. Advanced Theory and Simulations 2:1900072

54) Khalil ISM, Klingner A, Hamed Y, Magdanz V, Toubar M, Misra S. 2019. Characterization of flagellar propulsion of soft microrobotic sperm in a viscous heterogeneous medium. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Link

53) Magdanz V, Boryshpolets S, Ridzewski C, Eckel B, Reinhardt K. 2019. The motility-based swim-up technique separates bull sperm based on differences in metabolic rates and tail length. PLoS ONE14:e0223576. See press release.

52) Magdanz V, Gebauer J, Shoran P, Eltoukhy S, Voigt D, Simmchen J. 2019. Sperm-particle interactions and their prospects for charge mapping. Advanced Biosystems 3:1900061

51) *Otti O, Deines P, Hammerschmidt K, Reinhardt K. 2019. Do bacteria change their language when they enter the body through wounds? Answers from bedbugs. Frontiers for Young Minds. Link

50) *Reinhardt K. 2019. Bedbugs. Current Biology 29: 1118

49) *Reinhardt K. 2019. Nachweise des Fächerflüglers Xenos vesparum Rossi, 1793 in Sachsen (Insecta: Strepsiptera). Sächsische Entomologische Zeitschrift 10: 6-10. Link

48) *Reinhardt K, Kästner T, Kurth M, Wolf H. 2019. Erstnachweis des Weinhähnchens Oecanthus pellucens (Scopoli, 1763) im Dresdner Elbtal. Sächsische Entomologische Zeitschrift 9 (2016/2017): 19-25.

47) Reinhardt K, Turnell B. 2019. Sperm ageing: a complex business. Functional Ecology 33:1188–1189

46) Reinhardt K, Voigt D, Gorb SN. 2019. Evidence for a sexually selected function of the attachment system in bedbugs Cimex lectularius (Heteroptera, Cimicidae). Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb206136. doi:10.1242/jeb.206136

45) Roth S, Balvín O, Siva-Jothy MT, Di Iorio O, Benda P, Calva, O, Faundez EI, Anwarali Khan FA, McFadzen M, Lehnert MP, Naylor R, Simov N, Morrow EH, Willassen E, Reinhardt K. 2019. Bedbugs (Cimicidae) evolved before their bat hosts and did not co-speciate with ancient humans. Current Biology 29: 1847–1853. Link (behind paywall but see the nice video abstract)

44) Sonntag L, Simmchen J, Magdanz V. 2019 Nano-and micromotors designed for cancer therapy. Molecules 24: 3410. Link

43) Voigt S, Erpf AC, Stephan W. 2019. Decreased temperature sensitivity of vestigial gene expression in temperate populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Genes 10:498.

42) Wetzker C, Reinhardt K. (2019). Distinct metabolic profiles in Drosophila sperm and somatic tissues revealed by two-photon NAD(P)H and FAD autofluorescence lifetime imaging. Scientific Reports 9:19534. Link

41) Zuber R, Shaik KS, Meyer F, Ho H-N, Speidel A, Gehring N, Bartoszewski S, Schwarz H, Moussian B. 2019. The putative C-type lectin Schlaff ensures epidermal barrier compactness in Drosophila. Scientific Reports 9:5374


40) Abdel Ghaffar HA, Moftah MZ, Favereaux A, Swidan M, Shalaby O, El Ramah, S, Gamal R. 2018. Mitochondrial DNA‐based identification of developmental stages and empty puparia of forensically important flies (Diptera) in Egypt. Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine 4: 129-134. Link

39) Balvin O, Roth S, Talbot B, Reinhardt K. 2018. Co-speciation in bedbug Wolbachia parallel the pattern in nematode hosts. Scientific Reports. Link

38) Dobler R, Dowling DK, Morrow EH & Reinhardt K. 2018. A systematic review and meta-analysis reveals pervasive effects of germline mitochondrial replacement on components of health. Human Reproduction Update. Link

37) Grunau C, Voigt S, Dobler R, Dowling DK, Reinhardt K. 2018. The cytoplasm affects the epigenome in Drosophila melanogaster. Epigenomes . Link

36) Medina-Sanchez M, Magdanz V, Guix M, Fomin VM, Schmidt OG. 2018. Swimming Microrobots: Soft, Reconfigurable, and Smart. Advanced Functional Materials

35) Muthukrishnan S, Arakane Y, Yang Q, Zhang CX, Zhang JZ, Zhang WQ, Moussian B. 2018. Future questions in insect chitin biology: A microreview. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 98:e21454

34) Predel R, Neupert S, Derst C, Reinhardt K, Wegener C*. 2018. Neuropeptidomics of the bed bug Cimex lectularius. Journal of Proteome Research 17: 440-454. Link.

33) *Reinhardt K. 2018. Bedbug. Reaktion Books, London. Link

32) *Reinhardt K. 2018. Sind aktuelle Zahlen zur Abnahme der Biomasse fliegender Insekten falsch? [Are current figures for the decrease of the biomass of flying insects wrong?] Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 62: 33-36. Link

31) *Reinhardt K. 2018. Bettwanzen: ungesehen, unerwünscht, unbezwungen. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau71: 524-533. Link.

30) Wang Y, Berger J, Moussian B. 2018. Trynity models a tube valve in the Drosophila larval airway system. Developmental Biology 437: 75-83

29) Wang Y, Moussian B, Schaeffeler E, Schwab M, Nies AT. 2018. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as an innovative preclinical ADME model for solute carrier membrane transporters, with consequences for pharmacology and drug therapy. Drug Discovery Today 23:1746-1760

28) Xu H, Medina-Sanchez M, Magdanz V, Schwarz L, Hebenstreit F, Schmidt OG. 2018. Sperm-Hybrid Micromotor for Targeted Drug Delivery. ACS Nano 12: 327-337

27) Yu RR, Liu WM, Zhao XM, Zhang M, Li DQ, Zuber R, Ma EB, Zhu KJ, Moussian B, Zhang JZ. 2018. LmCDA1 organizes the cuticle by chitin deacetylation in Locusta migratoria. Insect Molecular Biology


26) *Breuer M, Simons IH, Gerlach T, Reinhardt K. 2017. Die Größe und Dichte einer Population der Plumpschrecke (Isophya kraussii) in der bayerischen Rhön. Articulata 32: 125-133 [that’s the result of our zoology fieldtrip]

25) Eckel B, Guo R, Reinhardt K. 2017. More pitfalls with sperm viability staining and a viability-based stress test to characterise sperm quality. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Link

24) Otti O, Deines P, Hammerschmidt K, Reinhardt K. 2017. Regular wounding in a natural system: bacteria associated with reproductive organs of bedbugs and their quorum sensing abilities. Frontiers in Immunology (Molecular Innate Immunity) 8:1855. Link

23) Li K, Zhang X, Zuo Y, Liu W, Zhang J, Moussian B. 2017. Timed Knickkopf function is essential for wing cuticle formation in Drosophila melanogaster. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 89:1-10

22) Reinhardt K. 2017. Traumatic Insemination. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer (Shackelford & Weekers-Shackelford eds.). We don’t even have a reprint but here is a link – the whole encyclopedia can be purchased for 4000 Euros – clearly a bargain.

21) Reinhardt K, Breunig HG, König K. 2017. Autofluorescence lifetime variation in the cuticle of the bedbug Cimex lectularius. Arthropod Structure and Development 46: 56-62 link

20) Wang Y, Zuber R, Laudahn A, Berger J, Moussian B. 2017. Cuticular body hairs mediate clumping of small Camponotus floridanus larvae. Arthropod Structure & Development 46: 108-115.

19) Wang Y, Carballo RG, Moussian B. 2017. Double cuticle barrier in two global pests, the whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum and the bedbug Cimex lectularius. Journal of experimental biology 220: 1396-1399. link

18) Yu Z, Wang Y, Zhao X, Liu X, Ma E, Moussian B, Zhang J. 2017. The ABC transporter ABCH-9C is needed for cuticle barrier construction in Locusta migratoria. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 87: 90-99.

17) Zuber R, Norum M, Wang Y, Oehl K, Gehring N, Accardi D, Bartozsewski S, Berger J, Floetenmeyer M, Moussian B. 2017. The ABC transporter Snu and the extracellular protein Snsl cooperate in the formation of the lipid-based inward and outward barrier in the skin of Drosophila. European Journal of Cell Biology 97: 90-101 Link


16) Benoit JB, Adelmann ZN, Reinhardt K et al. Unique features of a global human ectoparasite identified through sequencing of the bed bug genome. Nature Communications 7: 10165. link

15) Dobler R, Reinhardt K. Heritability, evolvability, phenotypic plasticity and temporal variation in sperm-competition success of Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of evolutionary biology 29: 929-941. link

14) Fountain T, Ravinet Mark, Naylor R, Reinhardt K, Butlin RK. 2016. A linkage map and QTL analysis for pyrethroid resistance in the bed bug Cimex lectularius. G3-Genes Genomes Genetics 6:4059-4066. link

13) *Moussian B. 2015. Taking peer review seriously. EMBO Reports 17: 617

12) *Reinhardt K 2016. Nachweis der an Leberblümchen minierenden Pflanzenwespe Pseudodineura mentiens um Jena (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Symphyta). Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen 21: 137-142

11) Wang Y, Yu Z, Zhang J, Moussian B. 2016. Regionalization of surface lipids in insects. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 283: 20152994. link

10) Yu Z, Zhang X, Wang Y, Moussian B, Zhu KY, Li S, Ma E, Zhang J. LmCYP4G102: An oenocyte-specific cytochrome P450 gene required for cuticular waterproofing in the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. Scientific Reports 6: 29980. link.

9) Yu R, Liu W, Li D, Zhao X, Ding G, Zhang M, Ma E, Zhu K, Li S, Moussian B, Zhang J. Helicoidal Organization of Chitin in the Cuticle of the Migratory Locust Requires the Function of the Chitin Deacetylase2 Enzyme (LmCDA2). Journal of Biological Chemistry 291: 24352-24363. link.

8) Zhao X, Qin Z, Liu W, Liu X, Moussian B, Ma E, Li S, Zhang J. 2016 Nuclear receptor HR3 controls locust molt by regulating chitin synthesis and degradation genes of Locusta migratoria. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 92: 1-11


7) Michels J, Gorb S, Reinhardt K. 2015. Reduction of female copulatory damage by resilin represents evidence for tolerance in sexual conflict. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, link

6) Morrow EH, Reinhardt K, Wolff J, Dowling DK. 2015. Risks inherent to mitochondrial replacement. EMBO Reports, link.

5) Reinhardt K, Breunig HG, Uchugonova A, König K. 2015. Sperm metabolism is altered during storage by female insects: evidence from two-photon autofluorescence lifetime measurements in bedbugs. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. link

4) *Reinhardt K. 2015. Risiken der Mitochondrienersatztherapie in der Reproduktionsmedizin. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 75: 428-431

3) Reinhardt K, Dobler R, Abbott JK. 2015. An Ecology of Sperm. Sperm Diversification by Natural Selection. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. link

2) *Reinhardt K. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil Günter Köhler zum 65. Geburtstag. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 59: 145-155. Here.

1) Wang Y, Cruz T, Irion U, Moussian B. 2015. Differentiated muscles are mandatory for gas-filling of the Drosophila airway system. Biology Open. link