
Robert Broschas. Office Secretary. Needless to say, he does and knows everything we need to know.

Susanne Broschk. Technician. Being an expert in cell culture work, Suse now does TLC, sperm motility assays, FLIM and a lot more, including fly culture. She manages our consumables stuff.

Dr David Flores Benitez. Postdoctoral Research Associate. Lipids properly, Sperm, Membranes, Diet, FLIM. Teaching Advanced Microscopy.

Christin Froschauer. Technician. qPCR, insect cultures, fly culture & mutant maintenance, microscopy and student supervision. RNAi, CRISPR, sperm competition work, independently started and worked on a microsatellite development and statistics project. Now SEM and innate immunity.

Dr Martin Garlovsky. Postdoctoral Research Associate. Speciation, Reproductive Proteomics, Flies, Bedbugs. Teaching Stats and R, and Speciation.

Yvonne Henker. Technician.

Dr Oliver Otti. Senior postdoctoral scientist. Our lab manager. Ecological immunology, Reproduction, Microbes, Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Teaching Evolution & Biodiversity (BSc), Epidemiology and Insect Immunology (MSc). Genetic Safety Stuff (S1), Environmental Officer.

Prof. Dr. Klaus Reinhardt. Head of Applied Zoology. Sexual Selection, Sperm Ecology, Sperm Metabolism, Biology of Bedbugs, Lipids for Beginners, and Cultural Entomology. Invented and really likes (both shared with Oliver Zierau) the MSc Course “Biology in Society“.

Cornelia Thodte. Technician. Histology.

Dr Christoph-Rüdiger von Bredow. Postdoctoral Research Associate. Cellular and molecular immunology, histology, insect haematopoiesis. Teaching Insect Physiology and Entomology.

Gudrun Wolf. Keeper of zoology teaching collection.


  • Reda Ahmed (2016-2021)
  • Christoph von Bredow (2021)
  • Ralph Dobler (2014-2019)
  • Adam Dobson (Dresden Fellow 2019)
  • Wei Dong (2016-2017)
  • Barbara Eckel (2015-2021)
  • Alexander Froschauer (2020)
  • Antje Graf (2015)
  • Ruijian Guo (2016-2020)
  • Ensieh Habibi (2016-2017)
  • Anja Jahn (2015-2019)
  • Christian Kolberg. (2016-2023)
  • Luise Kost (2019-2020)
  • Steven Lerch (2016-2018)
  • Veronika Magdanz (2018-2020)
  • Christian Massino (2018-2024)
  • Bernard Moussian (2015-2017)
  • Frank Pfennig (2019-2020)
  • Rebecca Prause (2020)
  • Michelle Thönnes (2019-2020)
  • Biz Turnell (2017-2020)
  • Susanne Voigt (2016-2022)
  • Cornelia Wetzker (2015-2020)
  • Stefanie Wiedmer (2023)
  • Lennart Winkler (2019-2023)
  • Stuart Wigby (Dresden Senior Fellow 2020)
  • Nadja Zimmermann (2019-2020)
  • Renata Zuber (2015-2018)